Company Health

A healthy company for a sustainable future

Only a company that grows sustainably and has transparent structures will remain competitive in the future and contribute to sustainable growth that is socially and environmentally compatible.

BD Rowa offers a comprehensive portfolio for pharmacies BD Rowa offers a comprehensive portfolio for pharmacies

Our Company Health activities

At BD Rowa, we rely on state-of-the-art working conditions at all our sites, in the field and the home office –and offer our employees an excellent work-life balance.  We also invest in training and further education. For example, every service technician receives more than 100 hours of training annually to always be up-to-date with the latest product developments.

We enter into long-term customer relationships with our products and services. Product quality is decisive for our customers’ and employees’ loyalty and satisfaction.

Through our headquarters in Kelberg/Eifel, we create jobs in rural areas – directly at BD Rowa and our suppliers. 80 percent of our suppliers are based in the region, so the entire region benefits from our growth. Within the Group, we audit our most important suppliers worldwide to ensure decent working conditions.

In order to achieve high standards for minimizing human rights and environmental risks in our supply chains and to adequately implement the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (Gesetz über die unternehmerischen Sorgfaltspflichten in Lieferketten, LkSG), we have implemented guidelines, processes and internal specifications. To the basic principles on LkSG

Our company has grown steadily since it was founded around 25 years ago, and the product portfolio has been expanded into entirely new business sectors, such as patient-specific blister packaging. We pride ourselves on being able to draw on the experience of many long-time employees while nurturing and developing new talent simultaneously. Our corporate culture has been focused on agile transformation for some time, enabling our organization to adapt efficiently to change. Launched during the pandemic, this spirit is being lived and further developed in our modern new company building in Kelberg.

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