BD Parata

Enhance your productivity

  • Automation enables efficiency and improves production times
  • Increased speed of filling
  • For single-dose and multi-dose prescriptions
Manage complex medication regimens and diversify services for an enhanced patient experience. Manage complex medication regimens and diversify services for an enhanced patient experience.

Technical data

Blister Packager

BD Parata XF™

Blister Packager

BD Parata ULTRA™


  • Width: 51 in/1300 mm
  • Depth: 42 in/1070 mm
  • Height: 98 in/2500 mm
  • Width: 62 in/1573 mm
  • Depth: 56.9 in/1418 mm
  • Height: 82 in/2073 mm


Up to 400 containers

  • Up to 508 internal RFID containers
  • Unlimited external containers


  • Up to 45 multi-dose cards per hour*
  • Up to 85 single-dose cards per hour*
  • Up to 95 multi-dose cards/hour*
  • Up to 180 single dose cards/hour*

Your benefits at a glance


Scalable solutions allow anyone to get started and grow to any size. Compatible with a wide variety of blister packs.

More time

BD Parata increases the speed of filling so that you have even more time to focus on initiatives that grow your business and to fill more scripts per day.


Barcode and biometric scanning help ensure accuracy and track responsibility.

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* Actual speeds may vary depending on the medication type, card size and day supply dispensed, maintenance, downtime, employee speed, and percent of medications stored in device versus hand filled.


BD Parata systems are available only in UK and Ireland. Please use the contact form to get more information.