Case study

Pharmacie Schon-Tanson, Dudelange, Luxembourg

A BD Rowa™ Vmax system in the back office allowed the retail space to be enlarged and simultaneously ensured increased stock management efficiency. Since the planning was so well organized, there was no need to close the pharmacy for the duration of the conversion.

BD Rowa in the Pharmacie Schon-Tanson, Dudelange, Luxembourg BD Rowa in the Pharmacie Schon-Tanson, Dudelange, Luxembourg
  • BD Rowa in the Pharmacie Schon-Tanson, Dudelange, Luxembourg
  • BD Rowa in the Pharmacie Schon-Tanson, Dudelange, Luxembourg
  • BD Rowa in the Pharmacie Schon-Tanson, Dudelange, Luxembourg

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