BD Rowa™ EasyTransport

Easy transport of drugs to their destination

  • In-house conveyor systems for transporting single packages or boxes
  • Flexible positioning of your dispensing robot
  • Integration into larger logistics systems possible, including buffering of totes and orders

The components at a glance

BD Rowa™ Pack Conveyor

For transporting individual packages. For example, to an adjoining room or another floor

BD Rowa™ Roll Conveyor

Transport of totes to the filling point in complex conveyor lines

BD Rowa™ Crate

Space-saving buffering of totes for picking to order

BD Rowa™ Order Buffer

Efficient order buffering for totes of different sizes

BD Rowa™ EasyTransport for your custom-built modular intralogistics system

The components can be combined to build effective solutions, from simple conveyor belts to complex systems with many components.

Your benefits at a glance

Process automation

We offer an almost completely automated process thanks to the interaction of our systems: BD Rowa™ Vmax, BD Rowa™ Crate, the control software BD Rowa™ Smart Link, order buffer and needs-based conveyor technology.

Easy integration

Our solutions can be integrated without difficulty into existing intralogistics structures, increasing your automation ratio.

Customized planning

We’ll plan your in-house conveying system based on your individual needs. Using diverse components, we’ll find the solution that is best suited to your premises and processes.

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