Case study

Puls Apotheke & Drogerie, Hinwil (CH)

Thanks to the use of an automated warehouse in combination with OTC display and a digital service terminal, the Puls Apotheke & Drogerie in Hinwil guarantees secure and swift drug dispensing, while at the same time providing better quality consultations.

BD Rowa in the Puls Apotheke & Drogerie, Hinwil (CH) BD Rowa in the Puls Apotheke & Drogerie, Hinwil (CH)
  • BD Rowa in the Puls Apotheke & Drogerie, Hinwil (CH)
  • BD Rowa in the Puls Apotheke & Drogerie, Hinwil (CH)
  • BD Rowa in the Puls Apotheke & Drogerie, Hinwil (CH)

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