Case study

Pharmacy Alvigini, Genoa, Italy

It only takes a few months to find out what advantages an automatic pharmacy storage system can offer. It is not necessary to renovate and in some cases not even close the pharmacy. This is confirmed by Dr. Alvigini, who has chosen to install a BD Rowa™ Vmax 320 in his pharmacy, with furnishings from the 19th century, without having to interrupt his business.

BD Rowa in the Pharmacy Alvigini, Genoa, Italy BD Rowa in the Pharmacy Alvigini, Genoa, Italy
  • BD Rowa in the Pharmacy Alvigini, Genoa, Italy
  • BD Rowa in the Pharmacy Alvigini, Genoa, Italy
  • BD Rowa in the Pharmacy Alvigini, Genoa, Italy

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