Case study

Klindwort Apotheke im LUV, Lübeck (Germany)

The Klindwort family runs five pharmacies in Northern Germany, four of which have automated stockrooms. In addition, the Klindwort pharmacy in the LUV mall also uses the BD Rowa™ Vmotion display. Instead of real packs on shelves, the large screens display images of OTC and self-service products. The touchscreen monitors are linked to the BD Rowa™ storage and dispensing system.

BD Rowa in the Klindwort Apotheke im LUV, Lübeck (Germany) BD Rowa in the Klindwort Apotheke im LUV, Lübeck (Germany)
  • BD Rowa in the Klindwort Apotheke im LUV, Lübeck (Germany)
  • BD Rowa in the Klindwort Apotheke im LUV, Lübeck (Germany)
  • BD Rowa in the Klindwort Apotheke im LUV, Lübeck (Germany)

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